When will my child get her first tooth?

When will my child get her first tooth?For first-time parents wondering when their child will get his or her first teeth, expect teeth to first show when your child is between 4 and 7 months old. Sometimes, children – who the dental community refers to as “early developers”— have teeth develop as early as 3 months, and, more rarely, a tooth or two is visible at birth.

Your child actually begins to develop teeth when they are in the womb, where tooth buds start showing in the gums. Generally speaking, though, your child’s teeth will grow in this order: the bottom two middle teeth are first to appear, followed by the top middle teeth. After that, the teeth that make up the sides and back of your child’s mouth will start to come in.

Typically, the teeth do not come in straight, but straighten out over time as the mouth starts to fill out. The molars situated at the rear of your child’s mouth will be the last to appear. By the time your child turns three, he or she should have 20 teeth, all of which should remain in place until their permanent teeth begin coming in.  Continue reading

The Many Advantages Of Getting Dental Veneers

The Many Advantages Of Getting Dental VeneersWhen you have a chip or imperfection on one of your teeth, it can affect your overall appearance. The rest of your smile may be perfect, but the one chip becomes very noticeable. There are a few ways to deal with an imperfection in a tooth, but most options don’t entirely take care of the problem. The best and most complete way to deal with an imperfect tooth is to get a dental veneer, and here’s why.

First of all, dental veneers take care of the tooth while preventing further imperfections to the tooth. Veneers are stain resistant, so you don’t need to worry about the veneer started to look discolored or worn over time. If the underlying tooth had any stains or discoloration to begin with, a dental veneer will take care of this problem. Dental veneers can be used not only to treat the chip in the tooth, but also to treat stained teeth.

Veneers look very natural. The color fits into the natural color of the rest of your teeth. Porcelain material means that the tooth will look and feel just like a normal tooth. It will even glisten the way that teeth naturally. Anyone would have a hard time figuring out which tooth is your normal tooth and which one is a veneer. For this reason, many people opt to get veneers over other forms of cosmetic dental treatment.  Continue reading

What Can I Do To Protect My Child’s Teeth During Sporting Events?

What Can I Do To Protect My Child’s Teeth During Sporting Events?As a parent, you are used to taking your child to the dentist for regular checkups or when she has a toothache. But what every mother and father want to avoid is having to rush to a dentist or emergency room when their child has lost teeth because of an accident, such as frequently occurs when kids play sports.

Every year, approximately 5 million teeth are accidentally knocked out in the United States. Teeth can be avulsed (the technical term) whether a child engages in a solo sports activity such a roller skating, a one-on-one sport such as wresting, or a team sport such as soccer or baseball.

The level of physical contact in some sports immediately raises a red flag for parents, who make sure their child wears a helmet and/or padded guards for their knees and elbows. In fact, such protective devices are typically required by schools and organized sports teams. Continue reading

Worst Beverages for Your Teeth

CoffeeEveryone is wary of the kind of tooth damage that is immediately evident. People whose teeth are chipped or cracked usually seek immediate care from a Roseville dentist. However, most people do not realize that no matter how well they take care of their teeth, minor damage and weaknesses will gradually accumulate. No one notices her teeth yellowing from day to day, but it is obvious in photos spanning several years that changes have taken place. One way to keep one’s teeth white and strong is to eliminate beverages that weaken or stain tooth enamel.

Coffee is the biggest offender when it comes to staining teeth. Most adults consume coffee on a fairly regular basis, with many of them drinking at least one full cup every single morning. Giving up caffeine cold turkey is not something that is possible for a lot of people. To mitigate the damage, one could start drinking her coffee through a straw. As silly as this would look, drinking through a straw would send the coffee straight to the back of her mouth, preventing her teeth from being constantly exposed to it. Adding a little bit of milk or cream to plain black coffee would be helpful as well. The calcium in milk fortifies the teeth, and dairy in general acts as a buffer against acidic substances. Continue reading

Dental Implants May be Right for You

Dental Implants May be Right for YouToday, more people are interested in getting dental implants. The procedure of having dental implants has become an important and essential part of dental health and the dental industry. A dental implant is a tooth root replacement which goes in the place of a person’s mouth where the natural teeth are missing. These implants replace the natural tooth roots. There are many benefits associated with having implants which make them a more popular option for people needing a tooth or teeth replacement.

First, having dental implants improves a person’s quality of life. Dental implants function, feel and look like natural teeth. This means improved eating, speaking and smiling. People with dental implants feel more confident and their self-esteem improves. It is a lot easier to take care of an implant supported crown because it can be cleaned just like a natural tooth. Additionally, you won’t need any messy adhesives for dentures since the implant supported tooth is secured to the implant.

Next, having dental implants preserves facial structure. Implants prevent the bones in the mouth from deteriorating which keeps the facial structure intact. The dental implants keep the bony part of the face from collapsing because the bones are preserved. Continue reading

Bad Breath: The Causes and How you Can Solve the Problem

Bad Breath: The Causes and How you Can Solve the ProblemA smile with straight, white teeth is always attractive, but even the most beautiful smile becomes a turn off when bad breath is involved. Bad breath, which is medically referred to as halitosis, is a very embarrassing condition that affects millions each year. Dealing with bad breath is truly frustrating and can lead to embarrassment. Simply brushing your teeth, despite popular belief, is not enough to rid yourself of bad breath.

What are the Causes of Bad Breath? 

Bad breath is triggered by odor-producing bacteria. People who don’t brush or floss their teeth on a regular basis accumulate more bacteria that makes them prone to halitosis. To avoid this problem, you need to be strict with your dental hygiene. Brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing after meals and using mouthwash will ensure maximum dental health. However, lack of dental hygiene isn’t the only cause of bad breath. Ingesting foods with foul odor like onions, garlic and pickles can also cause your breath to stink. In order to avoid bad breath, it’s best to avoid foods that have pungent oils that can trigger foul odor.  Continue reading

Alternatives to Passing out Halloween Candy – Roseville Dentist

Alternatives to Halloween Candy - Roseville DentistHalloween is one of the most exciting times of the year for children, and you may think the reason is obvious. Candy! But this holiday is about much more than tootsie rolls, sweet tarts, chocolate, and candy corn. Nobody wants to be the house on the block that hands out toothbrushes, but there are plenty of alternatives you can pass out to your Roseville neighbors and their little ones to help prevent unnecessary visits to the dentist.

Temporary Tattoos

Even though they rub on and wash off, temporary tattoos will last much longer than a single piece of candy. Children love them, and they’re just as cheap to buy at a party store or 99 cents shop. You can get Halloween-themed ghost and goblin designs, and even find ones that glow in the dark.

School Supplies and Stationery

Think Halloween pencils, erasers, stickers, and stamps. Pumpkin-shaped erasers, shiny bat stickers, or rubber stamps to embellish their coloring books will work. Small items that are fun and in the spirit of the season will be even more enjoyable than sweets.  Continue reading

Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene

Maintaining Good Oral HygieneOne of the most important keys to living healthy is maintain good oral hygiene. Good oral hygiene is not something that comes naturally. It requires plenty of work and diligence. Even if you think you are brushing enough to protect your teeth, you may in fact not be doing enough to protect your teeth and gums in the long run.

First, you need to know what you’re up against. One of the most common dental problems is tooth decay also commonly known as cavities. Cavities form due to sugar, starch and bacteria being present in the mouth. This combination produces an acid that can burn right through tooth enamel and produce holes. These holes then become infected with bacteria. Without treatment, this can lead to a lot of pain and the loss of an entire tooth.

Second, you need to combat gingivitis. Gingivitis, also referred to as gum disease, occurs when the gums as well as any attached ligaments, bones and nerves become infected or inflamed due to bacteria. Left unchecked, this can lead to more serious periodontitis that can indeed result in tooth loss. Continue reading

Whiter Teeth May Bring More Employment Opportunities

Whiter Teeth May Bring More Employment OpportunitiesIf you are looking for a job in the Roseville area, you may be surprised to learn that having a brilliant smile can greatly factor into an employer’s decision to hire you. the condition of your teeth can tell a prospective employer a lot about you, and you may be surprised to learn what stained teeth can give away.

Tell-Tale Sign of Smoking

Any dentist will tell you that smoking is terrible for your teeth. The nicotine and tar will dull the enamel, and the smoke can dry out your gums. This dryness can also lead to tooth decay. If a potential employer sees that you smoke, you may be passed over in favor of a non-smoking applicant. The cost of healthcare for smokers is higher, making many employers leery of hiring them. Whitening your teeth can erase the signs of smoking, which can give you an advantage with employers who may be put off by your tobacco use.

Coffee Addiction

While considered less-dangerous than a cigarette habit, some employers may be disgusted by teeth stained by coffee. This is especially true among companies that maintain an image of natural living and healthy diets, such as supplement companies or businesses that deal in organics. Health spas and retreats that tout relaxation and herbal remedies may also not be forgiving about a coffee addiction. Don’t let your java habit keep you from landing the job of your dreams! Have your teeth whitened and avoid judgement about your choice of beverages. Continue reading

Tip of the Week: Mouthwash the Forgotten Dental Fighter

Tip of the Week: Mouthwash the Forgotten Dental FighterAre you thinking about adding mouthwash to your daily dental routine? These days, Americans are focused on a white smile, and use chemicals to keep their teeth sparkling. However, mouthwash should be on the list of dental priorities as well. With a little bit of insight from a dentist, you will see why dentists in Roseville all seem to unanimously agree on this unique product.

The world’s oldest mouthwash

Pliny the Elder, who lived during the time shortly after Jesus Christ died, regularly recommended Romans to use a mouthwash made from salt and water. Today, we are learning that this ancient technique is one of the most effective methods that you can use without buying a bottled mouthwash product. In addition to helping to keep your mouth clean, a saltwater rinse can also have a positive effect on your gums. A saline rinse is also highly recommended after oral surgery. Continue reading

Clean Teeth Can Prevent Serious Illness. Roseville Dentist

Clean Teeth Can Prevent Serious Illness. Roseville DentistMany people make the mistake of not caring for their teeth properly; this mistake can lead to a lot more than bad breath. Skipping visits to the dentist can lead to serious health problems. Even if you brush your teeth on a regular basis, it is still important to regularly schedule visits to your Roseville dentist.

Dangerous bacteria grow in your mouth; these bacteria can only be removed when you receive a professional cleaning. If left to multiply, the bacteria can lead to a variety of health problems:

Heart Problems

If you suffer from gingivitis or from periodontitis, then you are almost twice as likely to have problems with coronary artery disease. Researchers speculate that this occurs when the harmful bacteria from your mouth enters your bloodstream; once in your bloodstream, the bacteria attaches itself to fatty deposits in your heart. When the bacteria attaches itself, it causes inflammation and raises your risk of having a heart attack. Continue reading

How Do Porcelain Veneers Differ From Dental Crowns?

How Do Porcelain Veneers Differ From Dental Crowns?Dentistry has come a long way since the days of painful drilling and metal fillings. Dentists now not only take care of decay and other interior tooth problems; they perform many cosmetic services to approve tooth appearance. In fact, many dentists now specialize in restoring and maintaining a patient’s beautiful smile.

Not so long ago, porcelain veneers were reserved for actors and the wealthy who could afford to pay for snow white perfect teeth. Now the general population has access to porcelain veneers, meaning a Hollywood smile isn’t limited to California anymore.  Continue reading

How to Have Kissable Breath

How to Have Kissable BreathThe cornerstone of fresh kissable breath is a mouth that is clean and healthy. The best way to achieve this goal is to combine regular trips to the dentist with sustained attention to oral hygiene at home. Specifically, men and women should visit the dentist twice a year, or more frequently if dental problems arise. They should also practice good oral hygiene on an everyday basis to help maintain their oral health.

The path to fresh breath is paved with good oral hygiene habits at home. In addition to making regular visits to the dentist, there are many things that patients can do on their own to help keep their breath fresh and clean on an everyday basis. The practice of good oral hygiene is not expensive or time-consuming, and is a key element of maintaining fresh breath.  Continue reading

How much radiation do I get from a dental x-ray and how does it compare to other medical procedures?

How much radiation do I get from a dental x-ray and how does it compare to other medical procedures?X-rays have two sides. There’s the good side. X-rays take pictures of all kinds of things inside your body. They help doctors and dentists find out what’s going on, good and bad, and how to treat it. But do x-rays have a bad side? Some people think so. They shudder when the word is mentioned; the word is radiation. It conjures up images of atomic bombs and all sorts of destruction. An x-ray is indeed a type of radiation. Instead of destruction, however, it is an important tool in the diagnosis and treatment of all parts of the human body and that includes teeth.

What is an x-ray? It is energy that takes the form of waves and has the power to go through your body. Why does your dentist x-ray your teeth? If you look at your teeth in a mirror, you see only the surface of the teeth and gums, and that’s all your dentist sees. The dentist uses an x-ray to show up small cavities between the teeth, making them easier and less expensive to fix at that point. In addition, an x-ray allows the dentist to see if you’re due for root canal or a crown. Any growths in the jaw, such as possible tumors, although rare, will show up too. Continue reading

Common Questions About Sedation Dentistry

Common Questions About Sedation DentistrySunrise Family Dentistry provides dental services for the entire family. It is located in Roseville, California. Our goal is to provide you affordable, pain free and quality dental care, whether you are visiting us for a twice-yearly checkup, have a toothache, need your teeth whitened or are experiencing a problem of a more serious nature.

Many people avoid getting regular dental checkups because they believe the treatment is unpleasant and painful. In reality, if you visit a dentist regularly for examinations, many serious and costly problems are avoided. We utilize different methods to sedate the patient. This ensures that your visit is comfortable instead of being anxiety provoking.

It is our desire to administer virtually pain-free services to you and your family members. This is why we use various forms of sedation in our practice. Here are some questions that may concern you. Continue reading

Why Should I Have My Teeth Cleaned Twice a Year?

Why Should I Have My Teeth Cleaned Atleast Twice a Year?As individuals faithfully brush and floss their pearly whites twice a day, many question the necessity of seeing their dentists for cleanings twice a year. When they smile in the mirror, everything looks fine. Such evidence, combined with suffering no pain or discomfort, leads some to opt out of dental cleaning every six months. However, it is what they are not seeing in the mirror that requires the twice yearly recommended dental visits in order to maintain optimal overall health.

Your mouth produces plaque, a filmy substance of bacteria that not only coats the teeth but also infiltrates above and below the gum line. Because plaque production is a natural and constant occurrence, brushing it away twice a day only removes some of the plaque. Plaque that is left behind in crevices that the toothbrush misses eventually calcifies into a hard, crusty, yellowish-brown substance called tartar. Plaque that is left behind within the gums leads to gingivitis, an inflammation of the gums that results from the festering bacteria. While the tartar left on the enamel surface of the teeth can take months to cause tooth decay, gingivitis can develop in a matter of days to weeks. Gingivitis begins as a mild inflammation. If left untreated, it will eventually lead to a more advanced level of gum disease called periodontitis. Continue reading

The Benefits of Using Nitrous Oxide in Dentistry (laughing gas)

Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas)Both dentists and doctors use nitrous oxide as an anesthetic because it offers them and their patients many benefits. The gas, known commonly as laughing gas, has been in use since 1844 and continues to be used safely today. The following benefits makes nitrous oxide useful in dentistry.

Reduces Anxiety

Perhaps the greatest benefit is that it helps patients relax without putting them to sleep. Patients remain conscious during the procedure and even have the ability to communicate with the dentist. However, many patients have little or no memory of what happened during the procedure. This allows the dentist to perform a procedure in less time, and it also allows the patient avoid discomfort during the procedure. The gas also gives patients a happy feeling that helps them relax even more.

Increases Pain Threshold

Nitrous oxide increases a patient’s threshold for pain. While it is only good for mild pain control, the gas often provides enough relief for noninvasive procedures. This helps reduce the need for dentists to provide local anesthesia. Some patients who have difficulty getting numb using local anesthetics benefit greatly from this property.  Continue reading

Are Electric Toothbrushes Better Than Manual Brushes?

Are Electric Toothbrushes Better Than Manual Brushes?The goals of brushing your teeth are to prevent soft plaque from forming hard plaque on your teeth and to promote soft tissue circulation. To accomplish these goal, most dentists recommend that you brush your teeth several times a day and floss.

The problem comes in when considering whether electric toothbrushes or manual toothbrushes are better at keeping your teeth pristine.

What is Plaque?

To really understand which type of toothbrush is best, you need to understand what plaque is. It’s a sticky film that attaches to the surface of your teeth.

Plaque forms inside of your mouth as a byproduct of the Streptococcus mutans bacteria. It starts out as a sticky film that is soft and can be removed by something as soft as the bristles of a brush. It then forms a hard type of tissue that glues itself to the surface of your teeth.

In case you’re wondering why that name looks vaguely familiar, it’s because the strand of bacteria that is responsible for causing plaque in your mouth is a relative of the same bacteria that causes strep throat. Continue reading

I have a terrible fear of going to the dentist yet I know I need to. What should I do?

I have a terrible fear of going to the dentist yet I know I need to. What should I do?Dental anxiety is a common problem that many people face when dealing with an oral health issue. However, it is essential for you to overcome your fear so that you can receive proper dental care. Fortunately, dental professionals are familiar with the concerns of their patients, and a quality dentist will go out of their way to make you feel comfortable during your visit. If you know that a dental appointment is in your near future and you are feeling scared, then here are a few of the best ways to alleviate your anxiety.

Identify Your Fear
A fear of going to the dentist can be caused by many different factors. Understand the underlying cause can help you to overcome your fear. Have you had a bad experience with a dentist before? Try remembering that this time will be different. If you are afraid of enduring a long and painful procedure, then talk to your dentist about the pain relief options that are available or discuss breaking up your procedure into smaller appointments. Once you know what is causing your fear, then you can begin to take the appropriate steps to correct the concern. Continue reading

Why Don’t My Dentures Seem To Fit Anymore?

Dentures Don't Fit AnymoreDentures can change a person’s life for the better, making it easier to eat and improving a person’s smile. However, while dentures are a durable dental appliance that should provide years of use, there are some things that can happen to make a denture no longer fit properly. A poor fitting denture can make eating and even talking uncomfortable and lead to soreness and injury in the mouth. Here is a look at some of things that can cause an ill-fitting denture.

Jaw Changes

Over time, a person’s jawbone may begin to deteriorate due to missing teeth. While wearing dentures can help to prevent this, some change may still occur. As the jawbone deteriorates, it will change the shape of the mouth causing dentures to no longer fit properly. Even without missing teeth, the jaw’s shape and size may change over time due to normal changes related to aging. These changes can also cause a denture to no longer fit. Gum disease can also cause swelling and other changes in the structure of the mouth and cause problems with the fit of a denture.
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What Are Dental Sealants and Why Are They Done?

What Are Dental Sealants?Many people don’t understand what a dental sealant is, nor do they understand why dentists put them in place. The most popular understanding seems to be that they simply protect your teeth.

That understanding is partially correct. They do protect your teeth, but they’re necessary because they’re able to protect your teeth in ways that ordinary brushing and flossing can’t.

What is a Dental Sealant?

Dental sealants are special plastic coatings that are applied to the occlusal part of molars. They can come in white, semi-opaque or transparent colors.

When they are being applied, your dentist will check the occlusal part of your molars for any visible decay. This can sometimes require the aid of a dentist drill, so don’t be alarmed. Continue reading

How to Take Care of My Dentures

How to Take Care of My DenturesA lot of care and money goes into your dentures, so it’s a good idea to take care of them as much as you can. However, some people simply don’t know how to properly care for their dentures. You can keep your dentures as nice as the day you got them as long as you follow some key denture care tips.

General Cleaning

Dentures should be cleaned on a daily basis to help remove plaque and bacteria buildup from your dentures. Remember, just because they’re not your real teeth doesn’t mean that they don’t need to be clean. Dentures can still get stained and look dirty. In addition, keeping that plaque and bacteria out of your mouth can keep you from getting sick.

To clean your dentures, gently remove them from your mouth and rinse them off. After they’ve been rinsed, gently brush them with a soft bristled toothbrush. It’s better to use a denture cleaning solution to clean them over toothpaste as toothpaste might be too abrasive for your dentures. Scrub them in the same manner that you’d regularly brush your teeth. Brush in tiny circles and remember to scrub the back of the teeth. It’s also a good idea to take this opportunity to gently brush your tongue and gums to prevent bacteria buildup.
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The Importance of Regular Dental Cleanings – Roseville, CA

The Importance of Regular Dental CleaningsGoing to the dentist for regular check ups is recommended by nearly every dentist and dental hygienist in the country. However, many people aren’t sure why they go to have the same thing done every six months when they floss and brush well at home. Here are just a few of the reasons why you should get regular cleanings from your dentist.

First, a dentist will be able to spot minor problems before they become major problems. For example, a good dentist will be able to point out a potential cavity before the tooth is fully decayed. This way, you can have it taken care of before it becomes a much more serious and painful issue. A cavity is just one of the problems a dentist could find.

Avoiding dental health issues only makes them worse. The teeth will become more yellowed, sensitive, and prone to cavities the longer you avoid having them cleaned professionally. Continue reading

Dental Crowns for Both Cosmetic and Oral Health Concerns – Roseville, CA

Dental Crowns for Both Cosmetic and Oral Health ConcernsDental crowns are a great option for anyone wanting a more beautiful smile and a healthier mouth. They are perfect for both cosmetic and oral health concerns. Dental crowns provider superior protection for teeth and give them a whiter, straighter and more brilliant appearance. Dental crowns can truly give patients the healthy and beautiful smile they want.

What are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown is a cap that is placed over a tooth for cosmetic or oral health reasons. They can be made out of metal, or they can be made of porcelain to look like normal teeth. They are a great way to protect teeth that are weak, heavily decayed or have a large filling or to replace cracked, yellowed and crooked teeth. Continue reading

Causes And Treatments Of Bad Breath – Roseville, CA

Causes And Treatments Of Bad Breath - Sacramento, CABad breath, or halitosis, has been an embarrassing issue for many people throughout human history, and may be caused by either poor dental hygiene or some other health problem. Effectively managing bad breath will depend on pinpointing its source, and your Roseville dentist can determine what’s wrong and establish an appropriate treatment plan.

Up to 90% of all bad breath cases are thought to originate in the mouth. Common sources include food particles trapped between your teeth and on your tongue’s surface, a buildup of bacterial plaques on your teeth, and advanced gum disease, which left untreated frequently leads to tooth decay and jawbone damage.
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Link between Periodontal Disease and Respiratory Diseases – Citrus Heights, CA

Link between Periodontal Disease and Respiratory Diseases SacramentoHaving a healthy mouth is more important than ever with recent research revealing a link between the mouth and a person’s general health, particularly the respiratory system. Scientists say that untreated periodontal disease has more serious consequences than mere bad breath or gum disease.

Researchers have linked periodontal disease to an increase in respiratory diseases. That makes it even more important to seek dental care to ensure you have a healthy mouth. Continue reading

Different Types of Crowns – Roseville, CA

Different Types of Crowns - Roseville, CAWhen your teeth get damaged, one of the most common ways to fix things up is by getting a dental crown. What is a crown? It is a type of tooth repair method that involves covering a damaged tooth with one or more materials to preserve its shape and structure. Crowns are made after getting a mold of the tooth in question, and they are most typically used for serious cavities. The most common types of crowns include all-metal, all-ceramic, and a combination of metal and ceramic. If you are confused about what type of crown to get, here are some pros and cons of each. Continue reading

Tooth Extractions – Roseville, CA

Tooth Extractions - Roseville, CAA tooth extraction is one of the most distressing dental procedures. A tooth extraction is taking the tooth out of its socket. A dentist will pull the tooth out of the bone. If you need a tooth extracted from your mouth, you need to contact Sunrise Family Dentistry to help.

If tooth decay causes your tooth to become cracked or damaged, the tooth might need to be removed. A dentist in Roseville will probably try to repair it with a filling or crown; however, in some cases, the tooth is beyond repair, so it needs to be extracted.

In addition, you might require tooth extraction if you have too many teeth in one area, and your mouth is too crowded. The permanent teeth come in before your baby teeth fall out, so the baby teeth need to be removed or other problems can occur. If you need braces, some teeth might need to be eliminated to make room for the teeth to become straight.

In some instances, individuals who are receiving cancer drugs could develop teeth problems. Radiation or chemotherapy could cause infection in a tooth because the drugs make the immune system weaker. If your teeth become infected, they need to be removed. Continue reading

Tooth Cavities and Fillings in Roseville

Cavities and Fillings at a Roseville DentistWhat is a filling?
When a dentist takes a piece of decay out of a patient’s mouth, the patient may receive a filling in its place. The filling material helps to rebuild the tooth’s shape and protect the inner portion of the tooth from sensitivity and further decay. Common materials used in a filling include white resin and porcelain. Silver used to be incredibly common but many offices opt for colors that blend in with the teeth.

Who needs a filling?
A dentist will look at tooth decay using one or several methods. A dental hygienist is typically the first to look at the teeth for discoloring or obvious decay shown on x-rays. The dentist will take a look next and use a metal tool to check for stickiness. Some dentists use dye that sticks to decay to ensure that the discolored spot is a cavity. There are even wands and lasers dentists can use to examine decay accurately. Continue reading

Tooth Bridges at Sunrise Family Dentistry in Roseville

Tooth Bridge RosevilleA tooth bridge is a fixed prosthetic device that replaces a missing tooth. Bridges are either removable or permanently joined to the other teeth or dental implants. Unlike dentures which can be removed and cleaned, permanent tooth bridges can only be removed by dentists. The procedure needs a lot of care and is best done by an experienced dentist. The Sunrise Family Dentistry in Roseville California offers one of the best dental services on tooth bridges.

Everyone who has encountered a chipping tooth needs a tooth bridge. Especially in the dating world, people tend to shy away from dating because of such simple problems that Sunrise Family Dentistry can easily sort out. These dentists understand the importance of beauty. They are capable of restoring the shapes of the faces of the affected persons as well as giving them the ability to smile again. Dental bridges restore one’s ability to chew, bite and speak, and prevent the remaining teeth from falling out of place. Continue reading

An Overview on Common Teeth Whitening Services

Common Teeth Whitening ServicesThese days, having a straight and pearly white smile is extremely attractive in our society. However, most people are not born with the perfect smile and need to have dental work done over the course of their lives in order to keep their teeth looking healthy. However, for those who are generally unhappy with the appearance of their smile, this can be truly crushing to one’s confidence and self esteem. One of the most common cosmetic issues that people have with their teeth is discoloration or yellowing. Luckily, there have been many advancements in cosmetic dentistry these days, and professional teeth whitening services are available at Sunrise Family Dentistry in Roseville for this exact reason.

What Causes Tooth Discoloration?
There are various causes of tooth yellowing or general discoloration, all of which can keep someone from having the pearly white smile that they desire. One of the most common causes of yellowing of the teeth is poor dental hygiene. Not brushing at least twice a day for two minutes at a time leads to the build up of plaque. Over time, this plaque leads to discoloration and staining of the teeth, which can be permanent. Other common sources of teeth yellowing include cigarette smoking and drinking excess amounts of coffee. Continue reading

We Treat You Like Family with Dental Implant Procedures

Tooth Implant RosevilleThere is good news for Roseville, California residents who are missing one of more teeth. The ability to eat, speak and smile with confidence is available through Sunrise Family Dentistry. As our name implies, a visit to our Roseville office is like a trip to see family.

We understand the importance of being able to express insecurities caused by a less than perfect smile. That is why we offer the latest in prosthetic and cosmetic dentistry. Dental implants involve placing an artificial root into the jaw that holds replacement teeth. With dental implants, our respected and skilled staff will give you natural-looking teeth. The right specialist coupled with diligent oral hygiene care helps dental implants last a lifetime. Continue reading

The Types and Reasons for Dental Crowns

Tooth Crown RosevilleSunrise Family Dentistry in Roseville offers many services for their patients. One of the most misunderstood services is that of Dental Crowns. Not many people know why they are needed or how many types of crown are available for their needs.

Different types of dental crowns for different dental needs:

Dental crowns are used to protect a weak tooth that is damaged or decayed. They can be used to restore a worn down tooth, as well. If you have a tooth that is mostly missing from either an accident or from being worn down over time the crown can be used to support the remaining part of the tooth. Some patients need a dental bridge, and sometimes the dental bridge needs extra support. A dental crown can provide that support. Or a crown can be provided to cover a badly damaged, decayed or discolored tooth. Continue reading

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry RosevilleSince nearly 30 million to 40 million Americans avoid scheduling dental appointments because of phobias related to the dentist or the procedure, sedation dentistry was introduced to alleviate the fears of patients who may avoid a dental appointment or get sick from dental anxiety. Any phobia can be addressed with sedation dentistry.

Sedation dentistry is offered at Sunrise Family Dentistry in Roseville. The services are comprehensive. Roseville dental professionals can handle most mild to severe phobias in the office. Continue reading

How Missing Teeth Affect Your Health

How Missing Teeth Affect Your HealthYou might think that a missing tooth is unsightly, and you are right. But do you know that missing teeth can affect not only your dental health, but also your overall health?

Dr. Elmira Abraamyan runs her own dental practice, Sunrise Family Dentistry, in Roseville, California.  Here, she talks about how missing teeth not only affect the aesthetics of your smile, but your dental and overall health as well. Effect on overall health.

As is known to all, because your ability to chew decreases with missing teeth, it directly affects your overall medical health. Chewing food is the beginning of the digestive process. If you lose a tooth, then you can’t chew the food properly before swallowing, the stomach and intestines will work harder to absorb nutrients. That means you absorb fewer nutrients and are less healthy. It shows that your missing teeth affect your overall health. Continue reading

What is Periodontal Disease?

What is Periodontal Disease?Periodontal disease is a degenerative infection of the oral tissue supporting your teeth. It is normally caused by poor oral hygiene. After years of neglect, a build-up of plaque eventually forms under the gum line. This stage is called gingivitis; it’s the mildest form of periodontitis. It usually goes unnoticed until physical symptoms begin.

Symptoms of gingivitis include swollen gums and light bleeding when brushing or flossing your teeth. As gingivitis worsens your gums may bleed freely when brushing or eating. If these conditions persist, you could lose your teeth. The plaque grows slowly but surely, lifting the gum away from the bone. That creates pockets around your teeth. Those pockets are perfect food traps. When food becomes trapped beneath the gum line, it causes more discomfort and bleeding. If you try to dislodge the trapped food by flossing, it can make the pockets even worse.  Continue reading

Difference between Silver and White Fillings

Difference Between Amalgam and Composite FillingsCavities are a very common dental problem that nearly everyone has had to deal with at some point in their lives. Cavities are exactly what they sound like they are: holes that appear in teeth due to decay. These can cause serious problems unless they can be filled by a dentist. Bacteria can gain access to the interior structure of a tooth through a cavity and cause further damage which can become severe and virtually irreparable over time. Fortunately, there are relatively simple methods that a dentist can use to fill cavities in teeth. Continue reading

10 Healthy Foods For Your Teeth

10 Healthy Foods For Your TeethYou smile what you eat. Okay, so that’s not exactly how the motto goes, but the truth is, the foods you eat can be as important to the maintenance of those pearly whites as brushing and flossing. Here at Sunrise Family Dentistry in Roseville, we believe in preventive care. By making better food choices, patients can aid in the fight against bacteria, plaque and other germs that cause bad breath and tooth decay over time. Mixing these 10 chomper-friendly foods into your meals will help you avoid frequent trips to the dentist and ensure your smile stays fresh and bright for years to come.
1. Cheese
Oh c’mon, this one should be easy to remember. What else do you associate with “cheese” but a big, bright, bountiful smile? A cube a day can help to rebuild tooth enamel and kill cavity-causing bacteria. Continue reading

Causes and Treatments of Tooth Sensitivity

Causes and Treatments of Tooth SensitivityA Pain in the Tooth!

It’s that sudden, sharp shooting pain that you feel in a tooth or set of teeth after eating food or consuming a drink. The discomfort can be excruciating until you eliminate the source and cause of the sensitivity. Approximately 38% of adults have experienced and suffer from tooth sensitivity.

Tooth sensitivity often occurs after consuming foods that are sweet, sour, hot, cold or acidic. The sensitivity can even occur after simply breathing in cold air. So, what causes tooth sensitivity and how can you treat it?

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

When the underlying layer of your tooth, called dentin, is exposed, thousands of tiny tubules also become exposed. These tubules lead to your tooth’s nerve center. When they become stimulated from the food you eat, you experience tooth pain and sensitivity. Continue reading

Maintaining White Teeth

Maintaining White Teeth

Do you know what surveys reveal is the number one physical trait people notice first about one another?

Their smile! Sunrise Family Dentistry in Roseville can make sure that your smile is appealing and inviting.

Good dental hygiene doesn’t always mean that you may not need some help in maintaining sparkling white teeth. Even with regular brushing, teeth can yellow over time. You may have discolored teeth due to medications or an overexposure to fluoride. Teeth whitening is the most effective and inexpensive way to a beautiful smile.

Teeth whitening has come a long way, so it’s important to know that your dentist has available the latest techniques and products for your dental cosmetic augmentation. Sunrise Family Dentistry offers in-office whitening treatment or the option of a teeth whitening kit that you can use at home under your dentist’s supervision. Continue reading

Energy Drinks and the Health of Your Teeth

Energy Drinks and the Health of Your TeethEnergy drinks started in the United States with the introduction of Jolt Cola in 1985. This opened the door for a broad range of other beverage companies, both large and small, to enter their own energy products into the market. The result produced a flood of brightly colored cans and bottled drinks full of caffeine and other stimulant products on grocery store shelves across the nation. Americans now spend billions of dollars a year purchasing energy drinks, but at what cost? While research continues on the many overall health effects of energy drinks on the body, the main concern to a dentist, such as those at Roseville Sunrise Family Dentistry in Roseville, CA, is the effects of energy drinks on the health of your teeth.

When a dentist looks at an energy drink container, typical concerns revolve around the sugar content and acidity of the beverages. While there are sugar-free varieties of energy drinks, some brands can carry as much as 66 grams of sugar per container. Continue reading

Advantages of Fluoride

Advantages of FluorideWhen you visit your dentist in Roseville, he will tell you to brush your teeth with a toothpaste containing fluoride and to make sure that you drink the fluoridated water provided by the city. This is because your dentist in Roseville knows that fluoride is essential for the health of your teeth. If you don’t get enough fluoride, you will need to see your dentist more often because you will get more cavities as well as suffer from other dental problems.

Fluoride is a natural element that is found in some foods and many city water supplies. Plaque bacteria and sugars demineralize your tooth enamel. Demineralizaion is the process in which minerals are eroded from the enamel of the teeth. Fluoride is an essential component for remineralization, which in the process in which the enamel of the teeth is built back up. If the tooth enamel is broken down more than it is rebuilt by fluoride, tooth decay can occur.
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Maintaining Your Teeth Implants

Maintaining Your Tooth ImplantTeeth implants are a modern tooth restoration option, which can be used to replace a single tooth, a range of missing teeth, or a full set of teeth. Commonly also referred to as dental implants, teeth implants are small screws made of titanium, which can act as substitutes for the root portion of natural teeth.

Dental implants are fitted into the jawbone, after the drilling of a tiny hole. During the healing period, bone grows around the dental implants, effectively fusing with them, which enables prosthetic teeth to be later anchored to them. Prosthetic teeth are usually made of porcelain, which together with an abutment, are attached to the teeth implants, once the healing process has progressed sufficiently.

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Flossing – Taking Care of Your Teeth!

Flossing - Taking Care of Your Teeth!Flossing is an essential oral health practice. When you brush your teeth correctly and consistently, a lot of dental plaque is removed. However, there are some areas that your toothbrush is not able to reach no matter how hard you try – e.g. in-between your teeth. Therefore, you need to apply floss on such areas to get rid of plaque properly.

Flossing does more than getting rid of plaque from the areas of your teeth where the toothbrush cannot reach. It also helps to put bad breath under control, polish the surfaces of your tooth, and gets rid of debris that stick to the teeth and gum. Continue reading

Your Child’s First Dental Visit

Your Child's First Dental Visit

First Appointment

Dental health experts say a lifetime of strong healthy teeth begins with a child’s first visit to the dentist. And they say it should be scheduled even when children still have their baby teeth.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Society of Dentistry for Children recommend a first dental visit between the ages of six months and one year.

“The most important thing is that we see the children early,” says Dr. Elmira Abraamyan, a Roseville, CA-based dentist.  “Dental problems develop as soon as the teeth develop, and children start getting their teeth at six months of age.” Continue reading

Brighten Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry

Ask about cosmetic dentistry

Poets have written many a verse about inspirational and enigmatic smiles. The elusive “perfect smile”, which has in past generations been limited to the luck of genetics, is now available to everyone. Cosmetic dentistry has removed all barriers to ownership of dazzling smiles. As more and more men and women get more conscious about their smile, cosmetic dentists are offering increasingly varied services.

Whether a childhood fall that led to chipping off of that incisor, those gallons of black coffee devoured while burning midnight oil, or the once 32 dwindling in numbers due to a parasite invasion popularly called ‘cavities’  - everything can be corrected with one (or several) swooshes of the cosmetic dentist’s wand. But remember that it isn’t always cheap. Depending on the procedure, you may feel your pocket lighter by one to several thousand dollars. Continue reading

What You Need to Know About Gum Disease

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease, often just called “gum disease,” can be the source of a person’s breath problems, but it can also be much more serious. Periodontal diseases are bacterial infections that affect the gums, bone and ligaments that attach teeth to bone. Gum disease has been described by the US Surgeon General as a silent epidemic, affecting approximately 85 percent of American adults thirty-five and over.

The disease starts with an inflammatory response to a bacterial infection in the gum tissue. Gum disease is not only the leading cause of adult tooth loss but has also been linked to heart disease, diabetes, upper respiratory disease and other inflammatory infections. Periodontal disease may be BOTH a symptom and a contributing factor in Type 2 diabetes. While many people think plaque and tartar are simply an aesthetic liability, plaque bacteria threatens your teeth, gums, restorative and cosmetic work; possibly even your life. Continue reading

The Pros and Cons of Laser Teeth Whitening

If you are getting teeth whitening, you will come up with many different results and methods. Many of today’s top-notch dentists perform whitening through systems that involve a bleaching agent, along with a laser that makes the bleach work better and penetrates into tooth enamel.

Home bleaching is not as difficult to do anymore, since many whitening products can be purchased over the counter. You might be expecting dramatic results from your over the counter whitening product, but the truth is, they take weeks, even months to work, and they still can’t match expectations! Continue reading

How Missing Teeth Affect Your Health

How Missing Teeth Affect Your HealthYou might think that a missing tooth is unsightly, and you are right. But do you know that missing teeth can affect not only your dental health, but also your overall health?

Dr. Bart Kreiner runs his own dental practice, Dr. Kreiner Family Dentistry, in Bel Air, Maryland. Here, he talks about how missing teeth not only affect the aesthetics of your smile, but your dental and overall health as well. Effect on overall health.

As is known to all, because your ability to chew decreases with missing teeth, it directly affects your overall medical health. Chewing food is the beginning of the digestive process. If you lose a tooth, then you can’t chew the food properly before swallowing, the stomach and intestines will work harder to absorb nutrients. That means you absorb fewer nutrients and are less healthy. It shows that your missing teeth affect your overall health. Continue reading

The Importance of Dental Care to Your General Health

The Importance of Dental Care to Your General Health

Relation of Dental Care and General Health

Sunrise Family Dentistry in Roseville, CA offers a dental plan so everyone can afford to get quality dental care. With the cost of dental treatment rising all the time, visits to the dentist often get pushed to the bottom of the budget list. Unfortunately, that can not only lead to teeth and gum problems but it can literally affect your general health including the immune system.

People tend to separate taking care of their body and taking care of their teeth and that can be a big mistake. You can exercise and try to eat a balanced diet, but if your mouth has become a breeding ground for bacteria then you stand a good chance of becoming sick in some way. Continue reading

Steps To Prevent Cavities or Worse

Steps To Prevent Cavities or Worse

Steps To Prevent Cavities or Worse

Often times there is not a fundamental understanding how cavities are formed and how they can be prevented.

So I want to take a moment and quickly discuss how a cavity is formed.

It all starts with a substance we call plaque. Plaque is a sticky, invisible film that builds up on your teeth, between your teeth, on your gums, and under your gums.

Plaque can be removed by brushing your teeth and flossing and by your Citrus Heights family dentist when you visit every 6 months. If the plaque is left alone, it will combine with bacteria from the food you eat and beverages you drink and form an acid that eats away at your teeth.

Eventually, this acid can destroy enough of the tooth to create the dreaded cavity! Again the easiest way to prevent this is by brushing your teeth and flossing and by having your Sunrise Family Dentistry dentist clean your teeth every 6 months. This makes sure that both the plaque and the food buildup are removed regularly so that evil acid can’t form.

If you do however get a dental cavity and don’t get it treated it can lead to an abscessed tooth. For the average person, if you have an abscess, or infected, tooth, you will get in contact with your local Sunrise Family Dentistry dentist immediately. Continue reading

Replacing a Lost Tooth

Options for Replacing a Lost ToothThe one thing that almost all dentists will agree upon is that except in very rare and specific circumstances, a missing tooth should be replaced.  There are multiple ways to replace a missing tooth.  Each with its own set of risks, benefits, expected longevity, and costs.

Choices for replacing a missing tooth can be broken down into two major categories; removable and fixed.   As the term implies, removable appliances can be taken out of one’s mouth, cleaned and reinserted by the patient.  Fixed appliances are not intended to be removed and are generally cemented or bonded in place. Continue reading

Cosmetic Dentistry – Cosmetic Teeth & Gum Reshaping

Cosmetic Teeth Shaping

Cosmetic Teeth & Reshaping Gums

Even a healthy, straight and white smile can be marred by an uneven or excessive gum-line: And many people who have this (what is often referred to as a ‘gummy smile’) can be very conscious of that fact. The latest advancements in Cosmetic Dentistry now means that people do not have to feel self conscious, nor do they have to undergo the scalpel to remedy the situation.

Today, Gum Reshaping (Gum Lift) is a straightforward, quick and painless procedure carried out by a professional Cosmetic Dentist using a specialist Diode Laser: As is the case at Sunrise Family Dentistry in Roseville, CA Continue reading

Why Do Our Teeth Turn Yellow?

Why do our Teeth Turn Yellow?Many Americans obsess about the color of their teeth. After a while, our teeth our no longer pearly white, they get a yellowish tint that drives people crazy. Many people don’t realize that there are a number of things we can do to prevent our teeth from turning this yellowish color. On top of ways to prevent it, there are also many ways to bring back the white and get that perfect smile everyone wants.

The tooth is made up of four different tissues. The enamel is the strong white covering that protects the tooth from wear and tear of chewing food. Dentin supports the enamel. It is a hard, yellow material that carries the nerves in your teeth. The pulp is the center of the tooth. It contains nerves, blood and lymph vessels. This part is where the tooth receives nourishment and transmits signals to Continue reading

Dental Implants: A Second Chance in Tooth Replacement

Dental Implant

A Second Chance in Tooth Replacement

Dental implants are one of the greatest advances in modern dentistry. Combining science and technology, implants replace single teeth or multiple teeth and mimic Mother Nature in both function and esthetics.

Teeth can be lost for a number of reasons. Dental decay, periodontal disease, and trauma are but a few reasons why we lose teeth. Unfortunately, Mother Nature did not intend for us to incise and chew our food with missing teeth!  Losing a tooth is like knocking over the first domino.

Although our friends may not know we are missing a few posterior teeth, missing teeth place the burden of chewing on remaining teeth.  This burden, coupled with large Continue reading

Change Your Life with Cosmetic Dentistry

Roseville Cosmetic Dentist

Cosmetic Dentistry

It is well known that an attractive smile can bring you a lot of benefits and surveys have proved it also. You are more likely to be accepted for an important job if you have a straight and shiny smile than if you have yellow and untidy teeth. Yellow teeth may also cause your employer to believe that you are an inveterate smoker, becoming another disadvantage in your way to success. This is the reason for the fact that, nowadays, more and more people see cosmetic dentistry as the solution to most of their problems.

From teeth whitening to different types of tooth veneers, the dentist holds the key to your smile. However, although people are aware of the fact that fixing their teeth can help their life, the fear with which people think of a dentist still exists. This is why many doctors have decided to change their clients’ perception of a dental checkup. They have started to offer free consultations, which is quite a good method to attract clients and convince them that going to the dentist isn’t that bad.

Dental Day Spas have also started to spread. These Spas offer to patients different fun ways to relax before or even while the dentist takes care of their teeth and are equipped with the latest technologies. One example would be the procedure “zoom whitening” – the fastest type of teeth whitening that exists till now.  Continue reading

Three Common Teeth Grinding Causes

Three Common Teeth Grinding Causes

Mouth Guards for Teeth Grinders

Why is it important to know about the causes of teeth grinding? This is an all encompassing matter and a lot of people have it without even recognizing it. As you age, you often times have additional dental issues, and teeth grinding can be an instigator of this. Once you notice you are doing this, it’s effortless to come across an approach for stopping it. To make this simpler, we will now go over some typical teeth grinding instigators.  Stress and anxiety are one the most common causes for teeth grinding.

Everybody deals with stress differently but when you are tense emotionally, your body is usually tense as well and lots of times this tension is “stored” in the jaw. Lots of times, people aren’t even aware that they are grinding their teeth. Sadly, stress can cause teeth grinding while people sleep and that is a much harder habit to stop. Continue reading

How Sunrise Family Dentistry Can Fix a Fractured Tooth

Repair a Fractured Tooth
Sunrise Family Dentistry repairs Fractured teeth.

Every one of us only have one set of teeth, but with the marvels of modern dentistry, anything that is broken can quickly and painlessly be mended. A skillful dentist can even make that smile look even better than it initially did.

There are many causes of a chipped tooth:

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism): Inadvertent, chronic teeth grinding and clenching usually occurring at night time during sleep. Teeth grinders are frequently unconscious that they have developed this pattern. Symptoms often include chipped or fractured teeth, jaw pain, overly tender teeth, stressed facial and jaw muscles, headaches, damage to the inner cheek Continue reading

An Introduction To Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry Sacramento CAWhite, evenly shaped teeth enhance the beauty of your face. Cosmetic dentistry offers many treatment options for people who want to improve their teeth. The methods can be as simple as teeth whitening or as complex as bracing and bridging.

How does teeth whitening work?

Teeth whitening products uses materials consisting of peroxide to give the teeth a white and clean appearance. You can either visit the cosmetic dentist or use a home-based whitening system. Home-based systems use 20% peroxide but is a longer process, lasting for two weeks. Continue reading

Top 5 Services a Cosmetic Dentist Can Do For You

Top 5 Cosmetic Dental ProceduresYour teeth do a lot for how уου look to others. A nice set of truly white teeth саn instantly enhance уουr appearance and confidence, while a set of less than perfect and less than white teeth саn hаνе the contrary effect. Since a lot of score is put on beauty and the way people look, many people are visiting a Sunrise Family Dentistry dentist to hаνе innumerable procedures like dental implants or porcelain veneers performed. Continue reading

Aesthetic Dentistry

Aesthetic Dentist Roseville

Aesthetic Dentistry - A Beautiful Smile

Thank God for aesthetic dentistry. Hey, am I right here or am I right? I think there are individuals around the globe who are incredibly pleased regarding our new-age aesthetic dentistry. After all, it seems like most individuals are not born with straight or perfect teeth. In all honesty, I’ve always found this notion to be seriously odd. I mean think about this for a moment. Continue reading

Three Common Teeth Grinding Causes

Why is it important to know about the causes of teeth grinding? This is an all encompassing matter and a lot of people have it without even recognizing it. As you age, you often times have additional dental issues, and teeth grinding can be an instigator of this. Once you notice you are doing this, it’s effortless to come across an approach for stopping it. To make this simpler, we will now go over some typical teeth grinding instigators. Stress and anxiety are one the most common causes for teeth grinding.

Everybody deals with stress differently but when you are tense emotionally, your body is usually tense as well and lots of times this tension is “stored” in the jaw. Lots of times, people aren’t even aware that they are grinding their teeth. Sadly, stress can cause teeth grinding while people sleep and that is a much harder habit to stop. This is why dentists and doctors will often prescribe mouth guards for nighttime wear, but it is still unclear as to whether or not this is an effective method of treatment.

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How Sunrise Family Dentistry Can Fix a Fractured Tooth

Every one of us only have one set of teeth, but with the marvels of modern dentistry, anything that is broken can quickly and painlessly be mended. A skilful dentist can even make that smile look even better than it initially did.

There are many causes of a chipped tooth: Teeth Grinding (Bruxism): Inadvertent, chronic teeth grinding and clenching usually occurring at night time during sleep. Teeth grinders are frequently unconscious that they have developed this pattern. Symptoms often include chipped or fractured teeth, jaw pain, overly tender teeth, stressed facial and jaw muscles, headaches, damage to the inner cheek tissue, extensive wear and tear to the dental tooth enamel, exposing the inner portion of the tooth, and clicking of the temporomandibular joint.

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Your Child’s First Dental Visit

Dental health experts say a lifetime of strong healthy teeth begins with a child’s first visit to the dentist. And they say it should be scheduled even when children still have their baby teeth.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Society of Dentistry for Children recommend a first dental visit between the ages of six months and one year.

“The most important thing is that we see the children early,” says Dr. Elmira Abraamyan, a Roseville, CA-based dentist  “Dental problems develop as soon as the teeth develop, and children start getting their teeth at six months of age.”

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Replacing a Lost Tooth

The reasons for replacing a lost tooth are multiple and have already been discussed in previous editorials.  The one thing that almost all dentists will agree upon is that except in very rare and specific circumstances, a missing tooth should be replaced.  There are multiple ways to replace a missing tooth.  Each with its own set of risks, benefits, expected longevity, and costs.

Choices for replacing a missing tooth can be broken down into two major categories; removable and fixed.   As the term implies, removable appliances can be taken out of one’s mouth, cleaned and reinserted by the patient.  Fixed appliances are not intended to be removed and are generally cemented or bonded in place.

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