How to Have Kissable Breath

How to Have Kissable BreathThe cornerstone of fresh kissable breath is a mouth that is clean and healthy. The best way to achieve this goal is to combine regular trips to the dentist with sustained attention to oral hygiene at home. Specifically, men and women should visit the dentist twice a year, or more frequently if dental problems arise. They should also practice good oral hygiene on an everyday basis to help maintain their oral health.

The path to fresh breath is paved with good oral hygiene habits at home. In addition to making regular visits to the dentist, there are many things that patients can do on their own to help keep their breath fresh and clean on an everyday basis. The practice of good oral hygiene is not expensive or time-consuming, and is a key element of maintaining fresh breath. 

One of the most effective steps patients can take is to brush and floss their teeth after every meal and before going to bed. This measure alone will help remove food particles that can remain lodged between teeth and cause halitosis. Patients should also drink plenty of water throughout the day because a dry mouth can cause bad breath. The use of mouthwash and a tongue scraper can also help eliminate bacteria in the mouth. Sugarless gum can also help freshen breath.

In addition to taking care of one’s mouth, a person can combat bad breath simply by avoiding certain foods. In particular, they should refrain from eating foods with strong odors and those which contain acid or sugar. They should also avoid foods like popcorn and caramel which can remain lodged between teeth and lead to bad breath. Examples of foods with strong odors include garlic, onions or foods high in sulfur. Acidic foods include certain fruits like grapefruit or pineapple, as well as eggs and beef. And people should steer clear of sugary foods because sugar provides a source of fuel for bacteria.

Another tip that people should follow to prevent bad breath is to refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol. The smell emanating from the stomach as alcohol is metabolized can cause foul-smelling belches and bad breath. Certain alcoholic beverages such as liqueurs are particularly likely to lead to halitosis.

If patients experience persistent bad breath, their dentists can screen them for the presence of dental problems that could be causing the bad breath. In many cases, bad breath is a symptom of an underlying dental problem. If the dentist determines that cavities, decay or another dental malady is leading to the halitosis, the dentist can outline treatment options to the patient which should alleviate his or her bad breath. In many cases, a problem with bad breath can be rectified by removing tooth decay or filling a cavity.

Kissable breath is something that requires a two-pronged approach. Patients should practice good hygiene in between their visits to the dentist and should notify their dentists if bad breath is pronounced or pervasive. If these recommendations are followed, fresh breath should be the end result.