Advantages of Fluoride

Advantages of FluorideWhen you visit your dentist in Roseville, he will tell you to brush your teeth with a toothpaste containing fluoride and to make sure that you drink the fluoridated water provided by the city. This is because your dentist in Roseville knows that fluoride is essential for the health of your teeth. If you don’t get enough fluoride, you will need to see your dentist more often because you will get more cavities as well as suffer from other dental problems.

Fluoride is a natural element that is found in some foods and many city water supplies. Plaque bacteria and sugars demineralize your tooth enamel. Demineralizaion is the process in which minerals are eroded from the enamel of the teeth. Fluoride is an essential component for remineralization, which in the process in which the enamel of the teeth is built back up. If the tooth enamel is broken down more than it is rebuilt by fluoride, tooth decay can occur.

Fluoride not only rebuilds the tooth enamel through remineralization, but it also helps guard against further demineralization by strengthening the teeth. The fluoride makes the teeth more resistant to the ravages of the plaque bacteria and sugars in your diet.

Fluoride is most critical for children from the ages of 2 to 16. During these ages, the baby teeth are being replaced by permanent teeth. Children often forget to brush their teeth or opt for sugary sodas instead of a glass of fluoridated water. As a result, it is important for parents to remind their children to brush after every meal and to drink water with meals instead of soda.

Fluoride is important for adults as well. As people age, their enamel can wear down, especially if they do not brush as often as they should or visit the dentist regularly. Many adults avoid city water in favor of bottled water, which can also be detrimental to your teeth because you are missing out on the fluoride in the city water supply. Adults, like children, should brush regularly with a toothpaste that contains fluoride.

Your dentist in Roseville can also apply a fluoride treatment to your teeth during your next visit. This treatment comes in a gel form, a foam, or a varnish. Your dentist in Roseville can apply the fluoride treatment after your cleaning. These treatments are especially critical for children and people who are more at risk for tooth decay. For example, people with dry mouth may be more at risk for tooth decay because saliva plays an important role in washing away bacteria and particles of food. In addition, people with gum disease benefit from fluoride treatments because gum disease exposes more of the root of the tooth, leaving the roots vulnerable to tooth decay. People who often get cavities are more vulnerable to tooth decay, as well as people who have extensive dental work such as bridges and crowns. If you are concerned about your level of fluoride, ask your dentist in Roseville about your options for treatment.