What is Periodontal Disease?

What is Periodontal Disease?Periodontal disease is a degenerative infection of the oral tissue supporting your teeth. It is normally caused by poor oral hygiene. After years of neglect, a build-up of plaque eventually forms under the gum line. This stage is called gingivitis; it’s the mildest form of periodontitis. It usually goes unnoticed until physical symptoms begin.

Symptoms of gingivitis include swollen gums and light bleeding when brushing or flossing your teeth. As gingivitis worsens your gums may bleed freely when brushing or eating. If these conditions persist, you could lose your teeth. The plaque grows slowly but surely, lifting the gum away from the bone. That creates pockets around your teeth. Those pockets are perfect food traps. When food becomes trapped beneath the gum line, it causes more discomfort and bleeding. If you try to dislodge the trapped food by flossing, it can make the pockets even worse.  Continue reading

10 Healthy Foods For Your Teeth

10 Healthy Foods For Your TeethYou smile what you eat. Okay, so that’s not exactly how the motto goes, but the truth is, the foods you eat can be as important to the maintenance of those pearly whites as brushing and flossing. Here at Sunrise Family Dentistry in Roseville, we believe in preventive care. By making better food choices, patients can aid in the fight against bacteria, plaque and other germs that cause bad breath and tooth decay over time. Mixing these 10 chomper-friendly foods into your meals will help you avoid frequent trips to the dentist and ensure your smile stays fresh and bright for years to come.
1. Cheese
Oh c’mon, this one should be easy to remember. What else do you associate with “cheese” but a big, bright, bountiful smile? A cube a day can help to rebuild tooth enamel and kill cavity-causing bacteria. Continue reading

Advantages of Fluoride

Advantages of FluorideWhen you visit your dentist in Roseville, he will tell you to brush your teeth with a toothpaste containing fluoride and to make sure that you drink the fluoridated water provided by the city. This is because your dentist in Roseville knows that fluoride is essential for the health of your teeth. If you don’t get enough fluoride, you will need to see your dentist more often because you will get more cavities as well as suffer from other dental problems.

Fluoride is a natural element that is found in some foods and many city water supplies. Plaque bacteria and sugars demineralize your tooth enamel. Demineralizaion is the process in which minerals are eroded from the enamel of the teeth. Fluoride is an essential component for remineralization, which in the process in which the enamel of the teeth is built back up. If the tooth enamel is broken down more than it is rebuilt by fluoride, tooth decay can occur.
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What You Need to Know About Gum Disease

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease, often just called “gum disease,” can be the source of a person’s breath problems, but it can also be much more serious. Periodontal diseases are bacterial infections that affect the gums, bone and ligaments that attach teeth to bone. Gum disease has been described by the US Surgeon General as a silent epidemic, affecting approximately 85 percent of American adults thirty-five and over.

The disease starts with an inflammatory response to a bacterial infection in the gum tissue. Gum disease is not only the leading cause of adult tooth loss but has also been linked to heart disease, diabetes, upper respiratory disease and other inflammatory infections. Periodontal disease may be BOTH a symptom and a contributing factor in Type 2 diabetes. While many people think plaque and tartar are simply an aesthetic liability, plaque bacteria threatens your teeth, gums, restorative and cosmetic work; possibly even your life. Continue reading

Three Common Teeth Grinding Causes

Why is it important to know about the causes of teeth grinding? This is an all encompassing matter and a lot of people have it without even recognizing it. As you age, you often times have additional dental issues, and teeth grinding can be an instigator of this. Once you notice you are doing this, it’s effortless to come across an approach for stopping it. To make this simpler, we will now go over some typical teeth grinding instigators. Stress and anxiety are one the most common causes for teeth grinding.

Everybody deals with stress differently but when you are tense emotionally, your body is usually tense as well and lots of times this tension is “stored” in the jaw. Lots of times, people aren’t even aware that they are grinding their teeth. Sadly, stress can cause teeth grinding while people sleep and that is a much harder habit to stop. This is why dentists and doctors will often prescribe mouth guards for nighttime wear, but it is still unclear as to whether or not this is an effective method of treatment.

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Your Child’s First Dental Visit

Dental health experts say a lifetime of strong healthy teeth begins with a child’s first visit to the dentist. And they say it should be scheduled even when children still have their baby teeth.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Society of Dentistry for Children recommend a first dental visit between the ages of six months and one year.

“The most important thing is that we see the children early,” says Dr. Elmira Abraamyan, a Roseville, CA-based dentist  “Dental problems develop as soon as the teeth develop, and children start getting their teeth at six months of age.”

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