What is Periodontal Disease?

What is Periodontal Disease?Periodontal disease is a degenerative infection of the oral tissue supporting your teeth. It is normally caused by poor oral hygiene. After years of neglect, a build-up of plaque eventually forms under the gum line. This stage is called gingivitis; it’s the mildest form of periodontitis. It usually goes unnoticed until physical symptoms begin.

Symptoms of gingivitis include swollen gums and light bleeding when brushing or flossing your teeth. As gingivitis worsens your gums may bleed freely when brushing or eating. If these conditions persist, you could lose your teeth. The plaque grows slowly but surely, lifting the gum away from the bone. That creates pockets around your teeth. Those pockets are perfect food traps. When food becomes trapped beneath the gum line, it causes more discomfort and bleeding. If you try to dislodge the trapped food by flossing, it can make the pockets even worse. 

If the affected teeth are in the same area and only include a few teeth, the gingivitis is called localized. Generalized gingivitis affects teeth in several areas of the mouth. In its initial stages, before it becomes severe, the condition can be managed by scaling the surface of the teeth. Worse cases may require root planning as well. Post-treatment follow-up care by the patient requires excellent oral hygiene. Daily flossing after meals and twice-daily brushing with a soft-bristled brush are required to keep plaque from reforming. It takes about three to four months for the plaque to build up to the point where it needs to be scaled again. Your dentist or periodontist can schedule regular cleanings to prevent further bone loss or the loss of your teeth.

If the condition worsens, surgery may be required. To prevent its recurrence, the gum line is trimmed back to reduce the depth of the pockets surrounding the teeth. That makes it easier for you to floss effectively and keep the area clean. People with diabetes, compromised immune systems or a genetic predisposition to periodontal disease must be extremely vigilant after having periodontal work performed. A lifetime of good habits are necessary to maintain your teeth. Research has shown that periodontitis can even cause cancer and high stress levels.

Studies have determined that pregnant women who already have gingivitis are more likely to have a pre-term baby with low birth weight. In fact, the mothers themselves are especially at risk for periodontitis. Between sixty to seventy-five percent of pregnant women will experience gingivitis in their second trimester. Their high levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone cause the gums to become more susceptible to the bacteria that creates plaque. “Pregnancy gingivitis” causes excess bacteria to enter your bloodstream. From there, it travels to the uterus, increasing the production of prostaglandins. The prostaglandins start uterine contractions that can induce false or premature labor.

If you’re pregnant and have good oral health, continue your brushing, flossing and regular exams with your dentist. If you require dental work during your pregnancy, wait until your second trimester to lower the risks that could occur during the first trimester, when your baby’s important organs are being formed. Postpone any non-essential dental work until after your child is born.


Call or visit Sunrise Family Dentistry in Roseville today. Our office is located at 901 Sunrise Ave. Ste A1 and our telephone number is 916-520-1717. You may also visit our website at www.sunrisefamilydentists.com.